Alba Iulia Municipality is a medium-sized city in Romania with 74.500 inhabitants also known as the Other Capital. Alba Iulia based its sustainable development on attracting non-reimbursable funding. So far, the municipality managed to attract during the 2007-2021 period over 250 million Euros for Sustainable development projects in virtually all fields (including energy efficiency). The city is nowadays considered good practice at the national level in this field and is shown as an example of efficient administration oriented towards the needs of the citizens, investors, and tourists.
The development vision for Alba Iulia outlines an inclusive, open, and Smart City. Alba Iulia aims to become a territory where strategic urban management facilitates growth, improves living standards and competitiveness. The city also aims to become an area where urban quality, with its various facets, attracts and maintains local and foreign businesses, as well as a talented workforce, a place where jobs are created and promoted through different forms of sustainability, coherent and resilient development, in accordance with European Union’s territorial and urban policies.
The main priorities of the city
The main priorities of the city are disseminated within the Integrated Strategy for Urban Development 2014-2023:
- Smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
- Sustainable tourism based on the rich cultural heritage;
- Reducing pollution and increasing energy efficiency;
- Developing a coherent, inclusive and efficient environment for local businesses;
- Developing mobility infrastructure and public services by using smart solutions;
- Transforming Alba Iulia into ”a more livable city” in order to reduce workforce migration towards Cluj-Napoca and Sibiu.
Strategic goals
The strategic objectives contributing to the achievement of Alba Iulia vision are:
1. Alba Iulia – A SMART, accessible and coherent city;
2. Alba Iulia – A GREEN city with efficient public services;
3. Alba Iulia – A COMPETITIVE and CREATIVE city;
4. Alba Iulia – A European CULTURAL and TOURISTIC OBJECTIVE.
Official recognition / awards:
- The official tourism blog of Alba Iulia, vizeazaalbaiulia.ro, was awarded at Webstock 2017, in the “Social Media Projects” category for Ben’s visit Southal in Romania. In this category were submitted personal projects or initiated individually or together with brands by bloggers, vloggers and instagrammers, following original ideas and social media campaigns developed by companies;
- AlbaIulia took first place at the contest organized within eTravel Conference 2017, “Best Blogger Relations Program” section. eTravel Conference is the largest national business event and online promotion dedicated to the tourism industry in Romania;
- In 2017 Alba Iulia won the European Public Sector Award European For the Public Sector EPSA in 2017. Alba Iulia was awarded for “A innovative public sector in 2017 – New solutions to complex challenges, the best Supra-local and local practices;
- In 2017 Alba Iulia obtained the official recognition of the European Commission (by URBACT Secretariat) for the city branding project implemented by the city. Through this recognition the city of Alba Iulia is promoted at European level as an example of good practices in the field of city branding: http://urbact.eu/city-branding-making-invisible-visible;
- Top “The most efficient cities in Romania”. 2nd place: #AlbaIulia. http://urbanizehub.ro/topul-celor-mai-eficiente-orase-din-romania/.
Unconventional campaigns to promote Alba Iulia
The unconventional campaign addressed to Prince Charles
Alba Iulia City Hall, the historical capital of Transylvania, has launched a unique invitation to the Prince Charles of Wales of Great Britain to visit the city and receive the honorary title of “Prince of Transylvania “. The initiative is marked by an unconventional campaign aimed at persuasion His Royal Highness to give effect to the invitation. This decision comes as a result of the activity of the Prince of Wales to promote Romanian tourism and the region in the world Transylvania. This initiative has been appreciated by well-established marketing experts city and resonated around the world:
”Many destinations today compete to stand out, therefore it is a rather difficult mission for them to come out of anonymity. Destinations need to start acting and think more about consumer brands in their media and social approach mediate. I think the city of Alba lulia in Romania was really smart through how he used Prince Charles’ declared love for Transylvania to succeed in obtaining such impressive international media coverage. This is smart and very valuable marketing. “Julian Stubbs, Brand Manager of Stockholm City
”Alba Iulia arrived this week on the biggest news portals on the planet. Together with the Heraldist team (which also created the Alba Iulia brand).”Dany Serrano – a communication expert with 14 years of experience in the London market
Dany launched in the global press the news about Alba Iulia City Hall, which proposes to Prince Charles of Wales this honorary title. In just a few days, the campaign became the most successful marketing campaign of a Romanian city. ”
Today, this unconventional campaign to get through the Prince in a creative way Charles de Wales reached the press around the world: Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, USA Today, Washington Post, Der Spiegel:
Thus, through a unique marketing campaign, a whole world found out, among other things, that Alba Iulia was the historical capital of Transylvania.
Ben Southall in Alba Iulia
The British Ben Southall, known worldwide after winning the competition “The best job in the world” wrote about Alba Iulia on the famous tourism blog bestlifeintheworld.com, after his visit to the Other Capital: http://bestlifeintheworld.com/adventurous-side-romania/
Alba Iulia on Huffington Post
Photo credits: Lucian Craiu